MID (Massachusetts Impaired Driving) (Formerly DAE)
MID program participants are provided with a structured group where they receive educational material to help them identify and understand alcohol abuse issues and drinking-and –driving behaviors. While the major focus of these programs is on alcohol, other substances of abuse are also discussed. The program provides 40 hours of services conducted over 16 weeks and includes an assessment, participation in self-help and victim-impact community meetings. This program is for individuals convicted for the first time for drunk driving and who choose this option as an alternative to losing their license or possible incarceration. Referrals are generally made by the adjudicating district court; however, if the client is under 21, the Registry of Motor Vehicles may mandate the offender’s participation.
Second Offender Aftercare (SOA)
The Second Offender Aftercare (SOA) Programs continue the treatment efforts of those convicted of their second driving-under-the-influence offense. This program is for individuals convicted of drunk driving for a second time. Individuals may choose this option as an alternative to at least 30 days incarceration. The adjudicating District Court makes all referrals. Completion of this program is one of several requirements that an individual must fulfill in order to be considered for a hardship driver’s license from the Registry of Motor Vehicles.
DUI/Court Approved-referrals come frRequirement is one year continuous substance use treatment. Treatment is based on the individual’s needs and may include higher levels of care as needed.
Massachusetts Impaired Driving (MID) formerly known as DAE
we are serving all of Massachusetts, please call 508-862-9929 option 6 to schedule or get more information.